Pokemon Black and White Soundtracks Hit iTunes


There is a lot more to Pokemon than just the creatures that hold our affection, and the invaluable adventures each one of us faced as we travelled our way to victory road. But, nothing is more memorable than Pokemon’s simplistic, beautiful music. Lavender Town, for example, emits an eerie tune that still stirs the hearts of Pokemon players everywhere. That haunting melody fits perfectly in the setting of a Pokemon cemetery, and birthed the so-called Lavender Town Syndrome/Conspiracy. But anyway, Pokemon’s music has become so popular that it now is available on iTunes! The latest additions include the soundtracks from Black and White.


For those of you who have not played the first generation of Pokemon games, or Fire Red and Leaf Green for that matter (if you have not, you should), here is a link to the tune.



The soundtracks feature over a hundred songs, some of which are tunes that are no longer than five seconds. The track is available as the Pokemon Black and White: Super Music Collection for only $9.99 here.