Hello Games’ “No Man’s Sky” and Telltale Games’ “Game of Thrones” Announced


So, VGX. I think I speak for what seems like half of Reddit already when I say that Hello Games and Telltale games both stole the show from both Tom Clancy’s: The Division and Titanfall.

Hello Games came in with their surprise announcement of “No Man’s Sky” – a procedurally generated (inter?)galactic exploration game, which looks beautiful for a start, but also incredibly large. “Sean Murray” himself explained that if there’s, say a mountain in the distance, maybe 3 miles away. Yeah you can walk to that. What’s that? A planet in the distance? OK, hop in your ship and GO THERE! All done by a four man team. These guys have their work cut out.

Amongst all that excitement was of course Telltale’s rumored collaboration with HBO to bring a Game of Thrones Series to the market was confirmed! Some are worried that this might “stretch their talent” for storytelling, but I say they can’t do any worse than what we have already.

I for one am one very happy gamer, still hurting from the Fallout 4 troll, but I’ll get over it with a lot of No Man’s Sky news.