Killzone: Shadow Fall Single And Multiplayer Questions Answered


In a PlayStation Blog posting, Game Director for Killzone: Shadow Fall Steven Ter Heide answered many fan questions via Twitter regarding the game. Some questions include co-op in the game’s campaign mode and a wide array of multiplayer questions. The Q&A session was extremely informative.

The game will not have co-op story mode but they are looking to implement an online only co-op expansion pack post-launch with a new game mode. There are also no plans to implement a split screen co-op campaign. Also stated was that the game’s story mode will “last well over 10 hours for most gamers.”

@DGuetta52: Will Killzone’s campaign be co-op? (source)
STH: No, the campaign will not have a co-op mode. However, we’re planning to release a separate Online Co-op Expansion Pack after launch; it will add a new wave-based game mode, in which up to four players take on hordes of enemies in special arena maps. For more information about the Online Co-Op Expansion Pack, please refer to our Season Pass announcement.

They also touch base on whether the game will have dedicated servers and how the level system works in the multiplayer for Killzone: Shadow Fall.

@Mr_Tom_B: Will Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer run on dedicated servers, or peer to peer? Will there be peer-to-peer hosting at all? (source)
STH: We are running with dedicated servers to handle the transfer of data between clients.

@IronSir: How will the level system in multiplayer work? (source)
STH: We have a Challenge-based system, where completing one of the 1,500 Challenges will increase your rank by one. We will continue to add new Challenges after launch.

Many more questions were answered in the blog posting such as what happened to experience points, weapon customization, whether or not there will be vehicles in multiplayer, how the Touchpad plays a role in both single-player and multiplayer, melee, and if Killzone: Mercenary data links up with Killzone: Shadow Fall data.