Somebody Took Over 3,000 Pictures of Food in GTA V


The deep, dark hole known as the internet will never cease to amaze me. There’s always something weird going on, and a few days ago, a month long event known as the ‘GTA V food-athon’ ended.

Started, developed and completed by a single GTA V fan, Paul Yan has cultivated over 3,000 images of food that can be found in Grand Theft Auto V. If you’ve ever wanted to see what an NPC with a hotdog looks like, Paul has you covered. If you’ve ever wanted to see an animated gif of a gumball machine being shot, Paul has you covered. How wonderfully weird.

In an interview with the lovely folks at Destructoid, Paul went on record as to explain his wonderfully weird achievement. “I’m a pretty big foodie and love video games,” Paul explained, going onto mention how his quest made him spend 4-8 hours every day collecting photographs, and that this routine lasted for over a month.

Paul believes he has photographed most, if not all of the food to be found in San Andreas, and you can check them all out on his blog – Enjoy the Bits.

Sources: (Enjoy the Bits, Destructoid)